CICA 1995 September (Japanese)
CICA Shareware for Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (September 1995) (Japanese) (Disc 1).iso
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File List
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Cica for Windows CDROM, August 1995. Walnut Creek CDROM.
Windows Soft Fonts
path: \disc1\fonts\
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
aardvark.zip 26,263 01-21-91 Aardvark Font
abctrain.zip 153,566 12-11-94 The Alphabet Train 1.1 Font (ATM/TT)
ansikey.zip 33,933 08-16-92 Another Font Viewer
ararat2.zip 57,994 08-02-93 Armenian Language font (TT and ATM)
arax1p.zip 43,296 10-26-93 Armenian Allcaps-Decorative font (TT and ATM)
araxba1p.zip 69,747 10-26-93 Armenian Decorative Font (All Caps/Hollow; TT and ATM)
architec.zip 88,022 06-22-91 Yet Another Architect Font
arc13p.zip 28,966 11-28-90 Architect Handwriting Type 1 Font
autofont.zip 40,125 06-08-90 HP AutoFont Support System
bach.zip 160,717 05-31-94 Musicological font (symbols and numbers/Type 1+TT)
bedrock.zip 18,788 04-02-91 Bedrock Font
befit10.zip 66,750 01-15-93 Scale fonts to fit document to page
bizarr.zip 37,332 03-18-92 Display Caps-Only Font of Shadowed Bizarre Chars
blkcha.zip 27,397 12-03-90 Black Chancery Type 1 Font
brlkiama.zip 8,646 04-15-95 BrailleKiama 64 six-dot braille font set
cafont11.zip 15,339 11-30-92 CheckAllFonts, verification/search for PostScript fonts
caligu.zip 30,194 11-14-90 Crude Calligraphic Bitmap Type 1 Font
chitown.zip 28,604 12-22-90 Chicago-like Type 1 Font
chpsf301.zip 91,076 03-25-92 Chinese characters in Kaishu style
cmps1_64.zip 85,192 11-20-92 View Fonts/Compose Chars
cocacola.zip 13,741 08-15-91 Coca Cola Font
cop_goth.zip 30,141 06-04-91 Engraver-Light PS Font
cw_src.zip 61,504 03-08-92 Source for cw_distr.zip
diego1.zip 50,941 12-22-90 San Diego?-like Type 1 Font
dmpfm153.zip 26,755 07-20-92 DumpPfm: Printer Font Metrics Dumper (ver 1.53)
dosfonts.zip 11,701 08-13-91 Change Fonts in DOS Window
durango.zip 55,679 06-22-91 Durango Font
dw101.zip 22,643 04-10-92 DownWind: Soft font downloader
emp_bldr.zip 73,515 12-11-94 Empire Builder Train 1.1 Font (ATM/TT)
europe20.zip 67,637 11-28-93 European letters with diacritical marks (TT and ATM)
finfo.zip 24,005 09-04-91 FontInfo: Print/Display All Fonts
fmonst35.zip 441,370 06-06-94 Font Monster v3.5 Font Management Util (ATM/TT)
fntsee24.zip 21,695 12-04-92 FontSee: Print All Available Fonts
fntcnt.zip 31,780 07-28-91 Font Control Panel
fntlin10.zip 9,641 02-24-93 Stretch or rotate a line of text
fntprn.zip 38,575 03-16-93 PCMAG's Font Cataloging Utility and Source
fontbo.zip 92,266 07-04-93 FONTBOOK view onscreen or print typeface specimens
fontc123.zip 553,271 12-05-94 FontControl: ATM/TT/Type 1 Font Installer/Mgr [554k]
fonter60.zip 64,466 02-19-93 View, print, select from all installed fonts
fontlist.zip 18,430 01-22-89 Font Enumeration Program (with C Source)
fonts.zip 819,803 08-13-90 PostScript Type 1 Screen Fonts
fontsee3.zip 52,923 12-14-94 FontSee 3.0 font viewer for Windows
fontslzh.txt 1,973 04-13-92 Listing of files in fonts.lzh
fontspec.zip 202,571 11-01-93 FontSpec Pro Font Utility Program
fpower11.zip1,086,167 12-30-94 FontPower 1.1 - ATM/TrueType font manager
fsp60.zip 350,139 06-10-94 FontSpec Pro font manager
garmnd1.zip 44,887 01-05-91 Garamond Type 1 Font
garrett.zip 59,365 03-17-91 Yet Another Font
gralig.zip 28,682 11-19-90 GraphicLight Type 1 Font
heidelbe.zip 37,820 12-22-90 Calligraphic Heidelberg Font Like MacHumaine)
iglesia.zip 48,905 12-22-90 Iglesia Font
kaufmann.zip 27,160 08-27-90 Kaufmann:Bold Screen Font
loadfont.zip 155,561 07-17-92 Point-and-Shoot Fonts to the Printer
macfontx.zip 285,896 10-08-93 Mac => PC Font Conversion Toolkit (Type 1 and Truetype)
machineb.zip 40,149 06-22-91 MachineBlock Font
mariage.zip 27,148 08-27-90 Mariage Screen Font
masis1p.zip 102,324 10-26-93 Armenian Text font. (Previously Ararat; both ATM/TT)
masni1p.zip 100,444 10-26-93 Narrow version of Masis Font (Armenian Lang; ATM/TT)
miamib.zip 27,813 04-02-91 Miami Beach Light Font
midd1.zip 68,363 09-24-90 Middleton Type 1 Font
news.zip 23,181 08-27-90 News Screen Font
okfonts.zip 24,078 11-20-92 Util to Check Systems Fonts
oldtown.zip 18,822 08-27-90 Old Town Screen Font
pa57.zip 457,501 01-02-94 Printer's Apprentice Font Management System (v5.70)
pcx2font.zip 35,426 07-17-92 Convert mono .PCX images to HPLJ portrait soft font
pfbview.zip 43,078 12-12-91 PFB File Viewer (beta)
ppfont10.zip 24,657 07-12-94 Windows font family, list, textmetrics function library
previe.zip 23,783 07-01-91 Preview1.0: A Tool to Preview Windows Fonts
psx200.zip 70,989 04-24-91 PSX - PostScript Soft Font Downloader
quenya16.zip 116,957 05-01-95 Tengwar Quenya 1.6 - TT & ATM font w/ docs & util
recycle.zip 95,877 06-22-91 Recycle Font
refont11.zip 27,194 07-07-91 Type 1 Font Utility: Use MAC Type 1 w/Windows ATM
rentt.zip 17,029 08-12-92 DOS Util to Rename TrueType Fonts
roissy.zip 25,710 08-27-90 Roissy:Bold Screen Font
rr_frght.zip 162,111 12-11-94 Detailed Set of Freight Train Silhouettes Font (ATM/FF)
rr_psngr.zip 128,198 12-11-94 Detail Set of Passenger Train Silhouettes Font (ATM/FF)
rr_roman.zip 130,256 12-11-94 Railroad Roman 1.1 Font (ATM/FF)
rrherald.zip 119,789 12-11-94 The Railroad Heralds 1.2 Font (ATM/TT)
rrmodpas.zip 123,233 12-11-94 Set of Modern Passenger Train Silhouettes Font (ATM/TT)
rrtracks.zip 88,342 12-11-94 Detailed Set of Train Track Segments (ATM/TT)
sasoun1p.zip 80,737 02-27-94 Armenian Language Font (Sassoun) TT/ATM
savannah.zip 72,066 06-22-91 Savannah Fats Font
sfonts10.zip 218,883 01-24-94 Greek/Hebrew/Latin fonts & Right to Left Util
show.zip 44,969 12-22-90 Type 1 Font
slabface.zip 93,210 06-22-91 SlabFace Font (very bold)
smtfnt10.zip 41,002 08-10-93 SmartFont font previewer with stay-on-top option
sntfra.zip 23,140 11-30-90 Mac San Francisco Font
stencilc.zip 54,581 06-22-91 Stencil Font
steve.zip 82,751 01-13-94 Handwriting font with all standard accents (tt/atm)
stfranci.zip 69,116 06-22-91 StFrancis Font (like Mac San Francisco)
symbol8.zip 13,187 08-27-90 Symbol Screen Font
sysfon10.zip 19,743 05-30-93 Create your own Windows system fonts.
tiempo.zip 47,530 03-30-91 Type 1 Font
tkrtape.zip 31,997 02-11-94 Stock ticker tape letters & symbols font (TT/ATM)
torah.zip 35,046 02-11-94 Torah style Hebrew font (TTF & ATM)
ttinfo.zip 94,726 07-25-92 TrueType Information Utility
typfac31.zip 31,679 05-02-94 Typefacial is a powerful typeface viewer
typevw10.zip 9,473 08-15-91 TypeView: Display/Print Available Faces (uses ATM)
ultrabla.zip 50,059 06-22-91 UltraBlack<?> Font
vbfont.zip 7,138 10-05-91 Display/Print Available Fonts
vectrfon.zip 12,281 01-26-90 Scalable Vector Screen Fonts
viewfont.zip 5,379 01-17-94 A small, simple, but attractive font previewer
vireofon.zip 73,327 06-22-91 VireoFonts Font
westsd.zip 53,777 03-14-91 Type 1 Font like the New Yorker Magazine
wgreek18.zip 296,486 03-07-93 WinGreek: Greek and Hebrew Package for Windows 3.x
woafon14.zip 23,154 09-28-93 Larger Screen fonts for Windows DOS boxes in SVGA modes
zephyr.zip 103,915 12-11-94 Zephyr 1.1 Train Font (ATM/TT)